TransCanada Woodlot crossing mainline extension
In the summer of 2017, IPC mobilized to Ontario, to complete the Woodlot crossing, a the 270m, 42” diameter Direct Pipe Installation. The Woodlot crossing was changed in method from Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) to a Direct Pipe Installation (DPI), due to the natural habitat of the protected Western Chorus frog in the surrounding area. The Western Chorus frog, is a small amphibian and only the second species to receive an emergency order, since the Species at Risk Act was passed in 2002, according to Environment and Climate Change Canada.
With a maximum coverage between drilling alignment and surface of only 6.7m, the Direct Pipe technology was selected over HDD in order to mitigate the risk of frac-out and thus prevent any serious damage to the surrounding habitat.
The young IPC team went through some challenges and obstacles during the course of the crossing that allowed IPC to gain significant learnings and apply these to the next project execution plan, in order to improve performance.

The client’s timeline in correlation to the change in technology only allowed for late site access and set up time. Technical challenges occurred, and IPC’s crew had to demonstrate its troubleshooting and technical knowledge abilities.
IPC’s equipment is always serviced after return to our own shop and ready to go.
Sufficient spare part stock is always available on IPC’s project site.
Qualified assessment and resolving of technical and construction issues.
As a result of the in-house experience and strong capacity of the IPC team, we were once more able to deliver favorable results to the full satisfaction of the client.